Joy N Liang, MD1; Natalia Barzanji, BS1; William Sherman, MD2; Byron Faler, MD2; 1USUHS; 2DDEAMC
Objectives: The objective of this study is to determine how emergency and surgical health care providers at various levels of training in fields including but not limited to General Surgery, Orthopedics, Urology, and Emergency Medicine subjectively feel their knowledge and skills improved after undergoing an operative and combat trauma live tissue skills courses. Additionally, participants will be surveyed on how live tissue training compares to standard inanimate simulation course training. The goal of implementing the live tissue skills course is to train health care providers in emergency and combat trauma management to teach skills essential to the maintenance of medical readiness.
Methods: Two live tissue skills courses utilizing a porcine model implemented by our institution were offered to interns, residents, attending physicians, and operating room specialists in Combat Trauma Skills and Operative Skills. Prior to completing the respective course, each participant completed a pre-lab survey unique to Combat Trauma Skills or Operative Skills assessing comfort level, previous training experiences, and deployments. Immediately after undergoing the respective course, each participant then completed a post-lab survey unique to Combat Trauma Skills or Operative Skills assessing comfort level, benefit of the course, and comparison to inanimate simulation training and real patient care. Survey information was obtained via participant completion of a multiple choice questionnaire and responses were confidential. Descriptive statistics were used in analysis of the respective survey data for Combat Trauma and Operative skills.
Results: In progress
Conclusion: In progress